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Vägghållare för Elma DT171

EAN 5706445840519

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95,00 SEK Exkl. moms

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Vinghjulsgivare trådlös Ø70 mm

EAN 5706445793204

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4 495,00 SEK Exkl. moms

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Vinghjulsgivare trådlös Ø70 mm

EAN 5706445793259

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4 995,00 SEK Exkl. moms

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Vinghjulsgivare Ø100 mm Teleskop.

EAN 5706445793457

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7 995,00 SEK Exkl. moms

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FLIR Ax8 kamera utan tillbehör
Smidig, konkurrenskraftig termokamera som är perfekt till temperaturövervakning inom bl.a. industrin. Har du exempelvis en process i en produktionsmaskin, som du gärna vill övervaka/dokumentera, är Ax8 perfekt antingen som en permanent monterad kamera, eller en kamera du använder till olika uppgifter, när det är behov för det.

Ax8 har en 80x60 pixlars infraröd detektor samt inbyggd digitalkamera. Kameran stödjer MSX och kommunicerar med en PC via ett LAN-interface.

Ax8 levereras utan kablar och tillbehör, dessa beställs separat.
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FLIR Ax8 kamera utan tillbehör

EAN 4743254001725

E-NR 4201697

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13 995,00 SEK Exkl. moms

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FLIR Screen-EST™ is an efficient, accurate desktop software for performing skin temperature screenings in high-traffic areas. When connected to a FLIR thermal camera, the software automatically detects individuals who enter the camera’s field of view and, within seconds, locates a hot spot and measures the skin surface temperature. If the measured temperature is higher than the rolling average, an alarm notifies the operator who can then immediately determine whether a second screening with a medical device is needed. FLIR Screen-EST sets up in minutes, allowing operators to screen individuals from a safe distance and mitigating the spread of illness among the work force. FLIR Screen-EST can be a vital tool for maintaining employee health and reducing the risk of work interruptions.

Plug-and-play connection with FLIR T-, Exx-, or A-Series cameras for a complete, easy-to-use system

Non-contact screening with automatic detection and measurement on an individual's face allows for faster traffic through check points

Take consistent measurements without added calibration sources or equipment: all that's needed is a camera, tripod, and computer

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EAN 108817

RING FÖR PRIS +46 (0)8 447 57 70

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FLIR ETS320 är en smidig liten 320x240 pixlars värmekamera, som är monterad på en justerbar arm. Kamerans fokus är fast inställd på 70mm, och med den justerbara armen anpassar du avståndet till den/de komponenter du önskar att titta på. Den inbyggda 3” LCD-skärmen visar temperaturspann, aktuell temperatur på en mätpunkt och max/min temperatur innanför en box. Önskar du att se bilderna på en större skärm, kan du streama termobilden från kameran till den medföljande FLIR Thermal Studio ”Starter” + programvaran till Windows. Önskar du att se temperaturutveckling över tid, kan du spela in termografisk video för efterföljande dokumentation eller felsökning -  det är superenkelt att använda.

ETS320 är ett mycket användbart och enkelt tillgängligt verktyg för exempelvis ingenjörer och tekniker, som arbetar med utveckling, produktion, kvalitetskontroll, test eller felsökning/service på kretskort i elektronikindustrin. Passar du in i denna kategori, är ETS320 absolut värd att se närmare på.

Med ETS320 är det enkelt att jämföra värmeutvecklingen på ett fungerande kretskort med ett defekt, och i många fall kommer denna jämförelse snabbt leda fram till felet på det defekta kortet. Om du bygger upp ett ”bibliotek” av värmebilder på de olika kretskort som du arbetar med, kommer det i efterhand vara enkelt att hitta fel relaterade till värmeutveckling på korten. Men det finns många andra möjligheter med ETS320 – på utvecklingsavdelningen är det enkelt att skanna ett kretskort för olämplig värmeutveckling. Detta test kan spara många timmar, eftersom du kan avbryta innan komponenterna brinner av på grund av för hög värme.

Värmeutveckling på tätt monterade kretskort blir många gånger till ett problem när kretskortet blir monterat och satt i drift. Resultatet kan vara periodiska fel, som är svåra att lokalisera. Med ETS320 kan du redan på utvecklingsnivå kontrollera att komponenterna befinner sig inom producentens temperaturspecifikatione6r.

Alla talar om dokumentation i dessa tider - med FLIR ETS320 och FLIR Thermal Studio ”Starter” analys/rapportprogramvara kan du både spara och analysera stillbilder eller termografisk video. På det sättet är det enkelt att se och följa utvecklingen från den ena generationen av kretskort till nästa.

FLIR ETS320 levereras komplett och klar för användning med kamera, justerbar arm, strömförsörjning, USB-kabel, FLIR Thermal Studio ”Starter” + programvarulicens och manual.


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EAN 4743254002913

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34 995,00 SEK Exkl. moms

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FLIR MIO-AX8-7 P/N T130087

EAN 5706445881222

RING FÖR PRIS +46 (0)8 447 57 70

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FLIR A35 (45°) P/N 83207-0102

The FLIR Ax5-Series of thermal imaging temperature sensors offers comprehensive visual temperature monitoring for process control/quality assurance applications as well as condition monitoring and fire prevention. The A35 and A65 integrate seamlessly into existing systems and are the only thermal imaging temperature sensors on the market to provide temperature linear output through GenICam™ compliant software.

The A35 and A65 are accurate non-contact temperature sensors enhanced with the rich detail of thermal imaging. They’re sensitive enough to make temperature differences as small as 50 mK clearly visible. The series offers ten field of view options for greater control over the measurement area, and can operate in temperatures up to 140°F (60°C).

The A35 and A65 are at the forefront of digital communications, with GigE Vision™ compatibility and GenICam™ protocol support for seamless integration with Cognex, National Instruments, and other top machine vision systems. These cameras stream 320 x 256 or 640 x 512 thermal images at up to 60 Hz directly to your system, for instant data analysis. The Ax5-Series supports easy synchronization between cameras for stereoscopic applications.

The Ax5-Series cameras are compact for easy installation into electrical cabinets and other small spaces. They offer a GigE Vision lockable connector as well as the convenience and flexibility of Power over Ethernet (PoE). With a robust design meant to withstand harsh conditions, these cameras are ideal tools for any automation of machine vision environment.

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FLIR A35 (45°) P/N 83207-0102

EAN 7332558013120

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68 995,00 SEK Exkl. moms

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FLIR MIO-A310-7 P/N T130091

Output and Analysis Options

The MIO offers Ethernet/IP and Modbus TCP compliant analysis and alarm results that can easily be shared to a programmable logic controller. The system includes image masking that highlights relevant areas for analysis, or you can output an analog 4 to 20 mA current loop signal per each region of interest, for process control options.

FLIR Systems, Inc. is proud to be the exclusive, world-wide distributor for the MIO Series™ line of products from MoviTHERM. This intelligent new I/O solution allows FLIR customers to combine the FLIR AX8, A310, and FC-Series R cameras with the MIO for a complete, robust system for condition monitoring, early fire detection, and process monitoring.

MIO is compact, with turnkey design that makes it easy to combine modules to support more than 100 units.

Configure MIO via the built-in web server, so there’s no need for a separate PC or custom computer software.

MIO supports a variety of FLIR thermal imaging temperature sensors, including the A310, the AX8, and the FC-Series.


FLIR Camera Supported FLIR A310
4-20 mA Transmitter Channels 8 CH, loop powered, isolated
Ethernet Connectivity 100BASE-T


Enclosure Material ABS
Maximum Cameras 1


Digital Output Current 0.5 A per channel, 1.5 A all channels
Digital Output Voltage 10-30 VDC
Maximum Power Consumption 3 W

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FLIR MIO-A310-7 P/N T130091

EAN 5706445881215

RING FÖR PRIS +46 (0)8 447 57 70

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FLIR A50 FOV 29 R&D Kit

FLIR A50 Research & Development Kits are affordable, ready-to-use solutions for thermal imaging analysis in proof-of-concept electronics testing and R&D applications. Providing thousands of temperature measurement points, users can eliminate thermal guesswork, reduce product development time, and increase product efficiency and reliability. These kits are the right choice for engineers and technicians who need to fully understand the thermal profiles of their systems or require defensible thermal data to support critical decisions. Users can quickly view, record, analyze and share thermal data with the included FLIR Research Studio software or take advantage of industry-standard connections to integrate into custom software applications when needed.

Start testing sooner with limited ramp-up time and simple non-proprietary industry standard interfaces; perform qualitative and quantitative thermal analysis with the included FLIR Research Studio software.

Easily install the IP66 rated camera with M-style connectors in any location; transition from design and testing to process control using GigE Vision and GenICam protocols.


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FLIR A50 FOV 29 R&D Kit

EAN 7332558028056

RING FÖR PRIS +46 (0)8 447 57 70

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FLIR A50 FOV 51 R&D Kit

FLIR A50 Research & Development Kits are affordable, ready-to-use solutions for thermal imaging analysis in proof-of-concept electronics testing and R&D applications. Providing thousands of temperature measurement points, users can eliminate thermal guesswork, reduce product development time, and increase product efficiency and reliability. These kits are the right choice for engineers and technicians who need to fully understand the thermal profiles of their systems or require defensible thermal data to support critical decisions. Users can quickly view, record, analyze and share thermal data with the included FLIR Research Studio software or take advantage of industry-standard connections to integrate into custom software applications when needed.

Start testing sooner with limited ramp-up time and simple non-proprietary industry standard interfaces; perform qualitative and quantitative thermal analysis with the included FLIR Research Studio software.

Easily install the IP66 rated camera with M-style connectors in any location; transition from design and testing to process control using GigE Vision and GenICam protocols.


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FLIR A50 FOV 51 R&D Kit

EAN 7332558028063

RING FÖR PRIS +46 (0)8 447 57 70

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FLIR A50 FOV 95 R&D Kit

FLIR A50 Research & Development Kits are affordable, ready-to-use solutions for thermal imaging analysis in proof-of-concept electronics testing and R&D applications. Providing thousands of temperature measurement points, users can eliminate thermal guesswork, reduce product development time, and increase product efficiency and reliability. These kits are the right choice for engineers and technicians who need to fully understand the thermal profiles of their systems or require defensible thermal data to support critical decisions. Users can quickly view, record, analyze and share thermal data with the included FLIR Research Studio software or take advantage of industry-standard connections to integrate into custom software applications when needed.

Start testing sooner with limited ramp-up time and simple non-proprietary industry standard interfaces; perform qualitative and quantitative thermal analysis with the included FLIR Research Studio software.

Easily install the IP66 rated camera with M-style connectors in any location; transition from design and testing to process control using GigE Vision and GenICam protocols.

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FLIR A50 FOV 95 R&D Kit

EAN 7332558028070

RING FÖR PRIS +46 (0)8 447 57 70

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FLIR A65 (45°) P/N 75013-0101

The FLIR Ax5-Series of thermal imaging temperature sensors offers comprehensive visual temperature monitoring for process control/quality assurance applications as  well as condition monitoring and fire prevention. The A35 and A65 integrate seamlessly into existing systems and are the only thermal imaging temperature sensors on the market to provide temperature linear output through GenICam™ compliant software.

 The A35 and A65 are accurate non-contact temperature sensors enhanced with the rich detail of thermal imaging. They’re sensitive enough to make temperature  differences as small as 50 mK clearly visible. The series offers ten field of view options for greater control over the measurement area, and can operate in temperatures up to 140°F (60°C).

 The A35 and A65 are at the forefront of digital communications, with GigE Vision™ compatibility and GenICam™ protocol support for seamless integration with Cognex, National Instruments, and other top machine vision systems. These cameras stream 320 x 256 or 640 x 512 thermal images at up to 60 Hz directly to your system, for instant data analysis. The Ax5-Series supports easy synchronization between cameras for stereoscopic applications.

 The Ax5-Series cameras are compact for easy installation into electrical cabinets and other small spaces. They offer a GigE Vision lockable connector as well as the convenience and flexibility of Power over Ethernet (PoE). With a robust design meant to withstand harsh conditions, these cameras are ideal tools for any automation of machine vision environment. 

The FLIR Ax5-Series of thermal imaging temperature sensors offers comprehensive visual temperature monitoring for process control/quality assurance applications as  well as condition monitoring and fire prevention. The A35 and A65 integrate seamlessly into existing systems and are the only thermal imaging temperature sensors on the market to provide temperature linear output through GenICam™ compliant software.

 The A35 and A65 are accurate non-contact temperature sensors enhanced with the rich detail of thermal imaging. They’re sensitive enough to make temperature  differences as small as 50 mK clearly visible. The series offers ten field of view options for greater control over the measurement area, and can operate in temperatures up to 140°F (60°C).

 The A35 and A65 are at the forefront of digital communications, with GigE Vision™ compatibility and GenICam™ protocol support for seamless integration with Cognex, National Instruments, and other top machine vision systems. These cameras stream 320 x 256 or 640 x 512 thermal images at up to 60 Hz directly to your system, for instant data analysis. The Ax5-Series supports easy synchronization between cameras for stereoscopic applications.

 The Ax5-Series cameras are compact for easy installation into electrical cabinets and other small spaces. They offer a GigE Vision lockable connector as well as the convenience and flexibility of Power over Ethernet (PoE). With a robust design meant to withstand harsh conditions, these cameras are ideal tools for any automation of machine vision environment. 

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FLIR A65 (45°) P/N 75013-0101

EAN 7332558011102

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94 995,00 SEK Exkl. moms

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FLIR A70 FOV 29 R&D Kit

FLIR A70 Research & Development Kits are affordable, ready-to-use solutions for thermal imaging analysis in proof-of-concept electronics testing and R&D applications. Providing thousands of temperature measurement points, users can eliminate thermal guesswork, reduce product development time, and increase product efficiency and reliability. These kits are the right choice for engineers and technicians who need to fully understand the thermal profiles of their systems or require defensible thermal data to support critical decisions. Users can quickly view, record, analyze and share thermal data with the included FLIR Research Studio software or take advantage of industry-standard connections to integrate into custom software applications when needed.

Start testing sooner with limited ramp-up time and simple non-proprietary industry standard interfaces; perform qualitative and quantitative thermal analysis with the included FLIR Research Studio software.

Easily install the IP66 rated camera with M-style connectors in any location; transition from design and testing to process control using GigE Vision and GenICam protocols.


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FLIR A70 FOV 29 R&D Kit

EAN 7332558028087

RING FÖR PRIS +46 (0)8 447 57 70

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FLIR A70 FOV 51 R&D Kit

FLIR A70 Research & Development Kits are affordable, ready-to-use solutions for thermal imaging analysis in proof-of-concept electronics testing and R&D applications. Providing thousands of temperature measurement points, users can eliminate thermal guesswork, reduce product development time, and increase product efficiency and reliability. These kits are the right choice for engineers and technicians who need to fully understand the thermal profiles of their systems or require defensible thermal data to support critical decisions. Users can quickly view, record, analyze and share thermal data with the included FLIR Research Studio software or take advantage of industry-standard connections to integrate into custom software applications when needed.

Start testing sooner with limited ramp-up time and simple non-proprietary industry standard interfaces; perform qualitative and quantitative thermal analysis with the included FLIR Research Studio software.

Easily install the IP66 rated camera with M-style connectors in any location; transition from design and testing to process control using GigE Vision and GenICam protocols.


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FLIR A70 FOV 51 R&D Kit

EAN 7332558028094

RING FÖR PRIS +46 (0)8 447 57 70

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FLIR A70 FOV 95 R&D Kit

FLIR A70 Research & Development Kits are affordable, ready-to-use solutions for thermal imaging analysis in proof-of-concept electronics testing and R&D applications. Providing thousands of temperature measurement points, users can eliminate thermal guesswork, reduce product development time, and increase product efficiency and reliability. These kits are the right choice for engineers and technicians who need to fully understand the thermal profiles of their systems or require defensible thermal data to support critical decisions. Users can quickly view, record, analyze and share thermal data with the included FLIR Research Studio software or take advantage of industry-standard connections to integrate into custom software applications when needed.

Start testing sooner with limited ramp-up time and simple non-proprietary industry standard interfaces; perform qualitative and quantitative thermal analysis with the included FLIR Research Studio software.

Easily install the IP66 rated camera with M-style connectors in any location; transition from design and testing to process control using GigE Vision and GenICam protocols.


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FLIR A70 FOV 95 R&D Kit

EAN 7332558028100

RING FÖR PRIS +46 (0)8 447 57 70

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FLIR A655sc P/N 55001-0302

Track Temperature Changes, Stream Radiometric Images

The FLIR A55sc produces high quality, 307,200 pixel infrared images with embedded temperature readings, so you can measure any point within the scene up to 2000°C.

With its uncooled detector, high resolution, and all of the cutting-edge functionality scientists and researchers have come to expect from FLIR, the A655sc brings affordable research and science thermal imaging and measurement to a whole new level.

The FLIR A655sc features a 640 x 480 pixel microbolometer that detects temperature differences down to <30 mK, for accuracy at longer distances.

Streams full-frame 16-bit data at 50 Hz, or up to 200 Hz with windowing, for high-speed processes.

GigE Vision allows fast image transfer using low cost standard cables up to 100 meters.


Detector Type Uncooled Microbolometer
Dynamic Range 16-bit
Mounting 1/4"-20 (on three sides), 2 x M4 (on three sides)
Packaging Size 360 x 180 x 550 mm (14.2 x 7.1 x 21.7 in.)
Power 12/24 VDC, 24 W Absolute Max.
Size [L x W x H ] w/o Lens 216 × 73 × 75 mm (8.5 × 2.9 × 3.0 in)
Spectral Range 7.5 – 14.0 µm


Encapsulation IP 30 (IEC 60529)
Operating Temperature Range -15°C to 50°C (5°F to 122°F)
Optional Temperature Range Up to 2,000°C (3,632°F )
Standard Temperature Range –40°C to 150°C (–40°F to 302°F) 100°C to 650°C (212°F to 1,202°F)
Storage Temperature Range -40°C to 70°C (-40°F to 158°F )


Available Lenses NA
Camera f-number f/1.0
Close-up Lenses/Microscopes Close-up 25 µm, 50 µm, 100 µm
Detector Pitch 17 µm
Digital Data Streaming Gigabit Ethernet (50/100/200 Hz) USB (25/50/100 Hz)
Field of View 15° × 11° (19° diagonal)
Focus Automatic or Manual (Motorized)
Frame Rate [Full Window] 50 Hz
Max Frame Rate [at Min Window] 200 Hz (640 × 120)
Resolution 640 × 480
Subwindow Modes User-Selectable 640 × 240 or 640 × 120
Digital Data Via PC Using ResearchIR Software
Time Constant <8 ms


Accuracy ±2°C or ±2% of Reading
NETD <30 mK
Bump/Vibration 25 g (IEC 60068-2-29) / 2 g (IEC 60068-2-6)


Detector Resolution 640 x 480




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FLIR A655sc P/N 55001-0302

EAN 7332558003312

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239 995,00 SEK Exkl. moms

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FLIR A615 med 7° linse

EAN 7332558004685

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325 995,00 SEK Exkl. moms

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FLIR A615 25°

EAN 108810

RING FÖR PRIS +46 (0)8 447 57 70

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FLIR Triton FH-Series R

FLIR FH-Serie R kan levereras i nedanstående versioner:

Triton™ FH-369 R - 320×256 pixlar / 9mm lins
Triton™ FH-324 R - 320×256 pixlar / 13mm lins
Triton™ FH-313 R - 320 256 pixlar / 25mm lins
Triton™ FH-669 R - 640×512 pixlar / 9mm lins
Triton™ FH-644 R - 640×512 pixlar / 13mm lins
Triton™ FH-625 R - 640×512 pixlar / 25mm lins
Triton™ FH-617 R - 640×512 pixlar / 35mm lins

Rapid detection and visual verification
Integrates a high-resolution thermal and visible sensor for hot-spot detection and visual verification from a single device
• Detect hot spots instantly with FH-Series R camera models that feature up to 640 × 512 thermal resolution and <35 mK thermal sensitivity
• See smoke and immediately verify threats with the 4K visible camera
• Combines a two-camera installation in one physical connection for a cost-efficient solution
• 10-year thermal sensor warranty

Intelligent alarms
Detect hot spots and intruders with one camera
• Detect threats from intruders as well as hot spots with on-board video analytics
• Eliminate false temperature alarms from hot exhaust pipes with ‘vehicle exclusion mode’
• Make detections based on time of day, business hours, and seasonality with the on-board scheduling tool, which allows the operator to select either visible or thermal analytics

Easy integration
Deploy the FH-Series R as part of a Teledyne FLIR end-to-end solution or in combination with preferred third-party solutions
• Strengthen end-to-end systems with on-board NEXUS® technology, which enables network connections to FLIR edge devices
• Tightly integrated with FLIR United VMS and major third-party VMS
• ONVIF® Conformant S/G/T profiles
• Receive radiometric alarms through compatible VMS platforms

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FLIR Triton FH-Series R

EAN 108814

RING FÖR PRIS +46 (0)8 447 57 70

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FLIR A400 Thermal Image Streaming Cameras offer the monitoring capabilities needed to accurately detect and identify thermal issues across manufacturing and industrial processes. With multiple field-of-view choices, multi-streaming capabilities, motorized focus control, and optional compressed radiometric streaming over Wi-Fi, these fixed-mount camera solutions can tackle the most complex remote monitoring objectives. Easy configuration allows you to tailor this monitoring system to your company’s quality, productivity, maintenance, and safety needs.

The FLIR A400 Thermal Smart Sensor Camera has the features automation solution providers need for complex monitoring applications, including elevated skin temperature screening when used as an adjunct to other body temperature screening tools, critical infrastructure, product quality, and early fire detection. The Smart Sensor configuration includes multiple measurement tools and alarms while also providing computing-on-the-edge, with analytics performed at the camera level for immediate results. With a range of lens choices, motorized focus control, and unrivaled connectivity, A400/A700 cameras offer unmatched power and flexibility. Easy configuration allows you to tailor this monitoring system to your company’s quality, productivity, maintenance, and safety needs.

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EAN 108815

RING FÖR PRIS +46 (0)8 447 57 70

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FLIR A700 Thermal Image Streaming Cameras offer the monitoring capabilities needed to accurately detect and identify thermal issues across manufacturing and industrial processes. With multiple field-of-view choices, multi-streaming capabilities, motorized focus control, and optional compressed radiometric streaming over Wi-Fi, these fixed-mount camera solutions can tackle the most complex remote monitoring objectives. Easy configuration allows you to tailor this monitoring system to your company’s quality, productivity, maintenance, and safety needs.

The FLIR A700 Thermal Smart Sensor Camera has the features automation solution providers need for complex monitoring applications, including elevated skin temperature screening when used as an adjunct to other body temperature screening tools, critical infrastructure, product quality, and early fire detection. The Smart Sensor configuration includes multiple measurement tools and alarms while also providing computing-on-the-edge, with analytics performed at the camera level for immediate results. With a range of lens choices, motorized focus control, and unrivaled connectivity, A400/A700 cameras offer unmatched power and flexibility. Easy configuration allows you to tailor this monitoring system to your company’s quality, productivity, maintenance, and safety needs.

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EAN 108816

RING FÖR PRIS +46 (0)8 447 57 70

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Lens configurations:  29°,  51° or 95° accessible

FLIR A50 Thermal Image Streaming Cameras are the right choice for users who want camera control capabilities and image streaming over Ethernet, as well as flexibility to perform analytics and raw data collection on thermal characteristics using preferred software applications. With options for Wi-Fi, an integrated visual camera, compressed radiometric image streaming, and ONVIF S compatibility, these small and lightweight fixed-focus automation cameras will optimize process control and quality assurance to improve yield, product quality, through-put time, and lower costs.


FLIR A50 Smart sensor cameras are ideal for users who want built-in, on-camera analytics and alarm capabilities for condition monitoring and early fire detection applications. With options for Wi-Fi, an integrated visual camera, and ONVIF S compatibility, FLIR A50 cameras are a flexible, configurable solution to meet the unique needs of automation customers across a broad range of industries. When used as a system component for cloud and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solutions, A50 cameras can help companies protect assets, improve safety, maximize uptime, and minimize maintenance costs.




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EAN 108822

RING FÖR PRIS +46 (0)8 447 57 70